News / Lisa
Mar 03, 2016
Production Update
Hello all, It’s about time for another update on our progress towards getting you your Quadshots! Foam Molding: First and Second Shots As we said in our last update, the foam ‘first shots’ (first test parts out of the molds) were originally scheduled to be completed February 20th, but the mold tooling company encountered some delays and took almost two extra weeks. On March 3rd (Jeff’s last full day in China) the molds had made it to the molding company and been mounted into the molding machine, and Jeff went to see the first shots get made: First shots are...
Mar 03, 2016
Lia PCBs and a big pile of electronic components
On Wednesday we gathered up the 40+ reels of resistors, capacitors, LEDs, microcontrollers, connectors, sensors, and other parts and brought them to our PCB assembler so that Lisa/M production can begin. If all goes well over there we should get Lisa/Ms in a couple of weeks. Here's all the goodies stacked up and ready to go: Also, we received the first Lia prototype PCBs today! We can't wait to assemble and test them: As you can see, all the inputs and outputs are on 0.1" spacing to make them easy to solder in wires or use with header pins - we're...
Mar 03, 2016
All kickstarter rewards have shipped!
We are incredibly happy to report that we've assembled, boxed, and shipped the last batch of Mochas, which mean that all of our Kickstarter rewards have been delivered!! If your Mocha is one of this last batch, you should have a Kickstarter message with the tracking number enclosed. We are now assembling the Mocha pre-orders (purchased on our web store) and will ship them in the next two weeks. Kickstarter has been an amazing journey for the four of us - we thank all of you again for your continual support and understanding! While in some ways the process felt like it...
Mar 03, 2016
Quick Update
Quick Update: Mocha: Airframe assembly and testing continues - we’ve now put Lia brains into the first 20 Mochas, and are testing them individually to make sure we did everything right :-) Most excitingly, we have shipped the first ones! We will be shipping them out in the order they were pledged. Espresso: We received the Lisa/Ms and Aspirins with the new barometric pressure sensors, and Piotr got them all flashed, soldered together, serialized, and tested: We shipped out the first 18 Espressos and first Mocha (lower left) on Wednesday the 25th: Unfortunately, we are now hearing that we forgot...