
  • All kickstarter rewards have shipped!

    We are incredibly happy to report that we've assembled, boxed, and shipped the last batch of Mochas, which mean that all of our Kickstarter rewards have been delivered!! If your Mocha is one of this last batch, you should have a Kickstarter message with the tracking number enclosed. We are now assembling the Mocha pre-orders (purchased on our web store) and will ship them in the next two weeks.

    Kickstarter has been an amazing journey for the four of us - we thank all of you again for your continual support and understanding! While in some ways the process felt like it took forever (and it certainly took a lot longer than we thought it would!), in just over a year we've gone from a few prototypes, through numerous design changes, multiple revisions and production runs of Lisa, Lia, and the Aspirin IMU, vendor sourcing, samples, and production, mold tool manufacturing and revisions, software development, packaging design, documentation, shipping (on a ship!), and of course assembly... whew!

    We hope you will keep in touch with us and the other members of the Quadshot community on our user forums - share your experiences, comments, and questions, post photos and videos, and get together for group "quadshooting" outings!

    We also just updated our video gallery page - Darren Kitchen, a Mocha backer and producer of the web show hak5, recently visited us and shot a great unboxing/flight prep video, as well as several split-screen videos covering all the flight modes - they are great if you want more guidance in addition to the Mocha User Manual on our documentation wiki.

    Lastly, we formed Transition Robotics, Inc. last year as an Open-Source-focused company working on both hobby-market RC aircraft and electronics and UAV consulting. Check out our web store if you find yourself in need of spare Quadshot parts, want to get autopilot and IMU flight electronics for traditional model-airplane- or multicopter-based UAVs, or have friends that want a Quadshot of their own!

    Cheers and happy flying!

    --the Quadshot team: Chris, Jeff, Piotr, and Pranay.

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